Pocatello Baptist Church
Pocatello Baptist Church
ALL OUR WORSHIP SERVICES WILL ARE OFFERED VIA LIVESTREAM and can be found by following the link to the right.
Sunday School (for all ages) 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship Services: 10:30 AM (LIVESTREAM)
Children’s programs for ages K4-3rd grade are offered during our 11:00 AM service. The nursery is available for our youngest blessings with the services being broadcast for their adult supervisor.
Sunday Evening Praise & Prayer Service: 5:00 PM (LIVESTREAM)
This is a time for us to gather together to praise our Lord for His continued blessings, as well as to pray for any needs we may face. Since information shared may be of a sensitive nature, this time WILL be deleted from our YouTube channel shortly after the service conclusion.
Sunday Evening Set Free Teens & PT – 52’s (pre-teens) studies: 5:00 PM
Set Free Teens for ages 7th-12th grades
PT – 52’s for ages 4th-6th grades.
Sunday Evening Bingo Fellowship: 6:00 PM
Join us for a fun time of fellowship & bingo with prizes provided by the church.
Thru the Bible Study: Wednesday 7:00 PM
Please join us as we go line by line thru the word.
If you need anything or have further questions, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email the church; our contact information is listed below.
Email: pocatellobaptist@gmail.com.
We pray you will join us for services!

Online Giving
Pocatello Baptist Church is an independent church. We use tithes, offering and donations to keep up with our ministerial needs, to keep our bills paid and to keep our missionaries in financial support. As a church, we have decided to create an online giving platform using Paypal. We hope this will allow those who are abstaining from fellowshipping in person during this time to continue to give in a convenient and simple way. If you prefer, you can always mail any offering or tithes to: PO Box 2951, Pocatello, Idaho 83206.

Giving Options
Paypal allows you to give electronically. It is both safe and secure. It has been the leading online platform for both collecting or giving funds. Simply follow the instruction listed on this page under “Where to Give”.
At Pocatello Baptist Church we have an offering boxes in the foyer that can be accessed during service times or anytime through the outside mail slot on the NE door. Please, call Pastor or the Deacons to make any special arrangements.
Where to Give
You can mail any offerings to Pocatello Baptist Church at the following address: PO BOX 2951, Pocatello, ID 83206.
Get in Touch.
If you are in need of counsel or would like to discuss anything during this difficult time. Please, call the number below or if you prefer you can contact our Pastor using the electronic form below.